August 5, 2011

Spring and Summer '11

It is now late summer, I head down to Mississippi next week and won''t return until winter bear den checks. This spring and summer field season have been great. This is the 3rd and final year for this phase of the study, We had 10 technicians work on the project this summer and just hired 2 more for this fall. This spring we captured 5 more coyotes, 3 wolves, 1 bobcat, and 5 bear (including 1 bear recapture that we couldn't get this winter!). We also caught a fisher in a foothold, first one I have seen (Pictured top left). During fawning we captured 49 fawns and collared them currently 20 mortality's have occurred due to predation or abandonment.

Howling surveys are going well and will continue into September. Average response rates for coyotes have been approx. 24% to both the coyote group-yip call and the lone wolf call. I have been going through sonograms (See Below) for analysis and hope to start my modeling for the population estimate shortly. I also have been washing and sorting collected coyote and wolf scat to look for occurrence of white-tailed deer adult and fawn hair as well as cattle hair. This fall camera surveys to estimate deer abundance will start as well as small mammal track tube surveys. I will post again in late fall and give an update on population estimates and fawn predation. If you would like more information please visit our website found in the 'links' section.

- Tyler

Below is an Image of a chorus howl by 4 wolves and you are able to see each individual howling by the dark black lines called fundamental frequencies.