April 23, 2011

Winter Research '10-'11

This winter I was back up in the U.P. to continue research. My focus was on estimating the 2 wolf pack sizes in our study area via wolf track surveys. I conducted 12 wolf track surveys, traversing 523.5 km. I also recorded wolf and other carnivore tracks opportunistically. I detected wolf tracks on 45 occasions. I also observed 193 sets of coyote tracks and 8 sets of bobcat tracks during track surveys. Low snowfall during late January and February prevented more surveys from being completed. From the surveys I estimated the Hayward Lake pack to contain 6 individuals and the 7-mile Marsh pack to contain 5 individuals.
We were also busy during this time capturing white-tailed deer. We collared and applied a VIT tag to 38 adult pregnant female doe. In total we captured 112 deer including bucks and fawns.
During February we focused on black bear den checks to change out collars with new batteries and also asses number of cubs and last years cubs, now yearlings, survival. Three of the females had yearlings, and two of the females had cubs. One mother had four cubs this year! The most we have seen on the project so far.
Starting in March we began coyote snaring in effort to have some collared before spring. We were able to catch 5 coyotes but lost one to a hunter and another to collar failure. Spring has now started and the beginning of May will bring a new summer crew of technicians. In the next week or so we will begin foot-hold trapping, hopefully we will get our carnivore quota!

- Tyler